Osteopathy Board of Australia - Osteopathy stakeholders – Roles and responsibilities
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Osteopathy stakeholders – Roles and responsibilities

Osteopathy regulators and stakeholders

Keeping the public safe takes more than the efforts of one organisation. It is important that the Osteopathy Board of Australia (National Board) works with other regulators and stakeholders.

The National Board has published a diagram of the different regulators and stakeholders in Australia that are relevant to registered osteopaths and students.

It describes the National Board’s role in the regulation of osteopaths and students under the National Scheme. It also shows several other regulators and stakeholder organisations and how they relate to osteopaths and students.

While not an exhaustive list, it gives an overview of the different entities and a short summary of their functions and/or responsibilities. The information is a guide only. For detailed information about the functions and/or responsibilities of the entities, please refer to their respective websites.

Overview of the role and responsibilities of each entity

Osteopathy Board of Australia
(National Board)


Regulates the osteopathy profession in order to protect the public:

  • Registers osteopaths and students.
  • Develops registration standards, codes and guidelines for osteopaths.
  • Considers and makes decisions on notifications (complaints)1 about osteopaths.
  • Approves accreditation standards for osteopathy courses.
  • Approves osteopathy programs of study for registration purposes.

Australian Osteopathic
Accreditation Council


Is assigned the accreditation functions for the osteopathy profession by the National Board:

  • Develops accreditation standards for osteopathy courses.
  • Accredits and monitors osteopathy programs of study and education providers (universities).
  • Provides the National Board with accreditation reports on programs of study and education providers.
  • Assesses internationally-qualified osteopaths who want to practise in Australia.

Australian Health Practitioner
Regulation Agency (Ahpra)


Supports the National Board and 14 other National Boards in administering the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme:

  • Is the first point of contact for all enquiries including those about registration and notifications (complaints)1.
  • Manages the registration and renewal processes for health practitioners.
  • Publishes and maintains the national register of health practitioners.
  • On behalf of National Boards, manages investigations into the professional conduct, performance or health of registered health practitioners1.

Osteopathy Australia


Is the peak body representing osteopathy:

  • Supports and represents the interests of osteopathy members.
  • Advocates for osteopaths.
  • Provides Continuing Professional Development courses/programs for osteopaths, webinars and conferences.
  • Provides consumer information about osteopathy
  • Career, practice and employment information for osteopaths

1 Nationally, except in New South Wales and Queensland where this is managed by the Health Care Complaints Commission, the Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) and the 15 health professional councils (see Osteopathy Council of NSW), and the Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO), respectively.

Stakeholders’ websites and links

Australian Osteopathic Accreditation Council

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)

Osteopathy Australia

Overview of accreditation

International regulatory stakeholders

Page reviewed 18/11/2021