08 Apr 2016
The Osteopathy Board of Australia (the Board) has released its report for 2014/15.
During 2014/15 the Board finalised consultations on the review of the five core registration standards that have been in place since the start of the National Scheme. Reviews started of the capabilities for osteopathic practice and the accreditation standards for osteopathic programs of study. The Board also undertook risk-based planning to prioritise regulatory work, based on identified areas of higher risk to the public, and to ensure that any regulatory response is evidence-based, appropriate and proportionate. Advertising was identified as a priority area, and recommendations from a meeting of an advisory group resulted in communication with all practitioners through an advertising bulletin and letters to practitioners who were the subject of advertising complaints.
Download a copy of the report below:
Osteopathy regulation at work in Australia - 2014/15 (37.6 KB,PDF), Word version (45.5 KB,DOCX)