17 Apr 2018
The Osteopathy Board of Australia has published a consultation paper on the draft revised Professional capabilities for osteopathic practice.
Public consultation has commenced and will close on 1 June 2018.
The consultation paper is available under Current consultations, and the Board invites feedback from practitioners, stakeholders and the community.
If you wish to provide comments on this proposal, please provide written submissions, marked ‘Draft revised Professional capabilities for osteopathic practice’ to:
Submissions for publication on the Board’s website should be sent in Word format or equivalent1.
Submissions will be accepted up to 5pm AEST on Friday 1 June 2018.
Submissions to this consultation may be published on the AHPRA website. They may be circumstances under which submissions may not be published. Published submissions will include the names of individuals and/or organisations that made the submission unless confidentiality is requested.